
Ways Reading A Book Can Improve Your Life

Reading a good book is like spending some time with a good friend; it makes you feel better and it helps you become a better person. Despite the increasing loss of interest in recent years where reading books – especially in print form – is concerned, like good friends, the habit is here to stay and is still thriving, thanks to the likes of master storytellers such as J.K. Rowling and J. R. R. Tolkien who continuously inspire new bookworms among youngsters.

Below are just some of the many benefits you get from habitually reading a book in print or in digital form.

1. It Helps You Learn New Things

Books, for centuries, have been used to impart knowledge. From the days long gone and even up to this day, experts of certain fields write books to ensure that a certain knowledge lives on and is passed down to the next generation. If you chance upon a certain book, you will be able to absorb the knowledge it is carrying by merely reading it.  Also, the more you read, the more you are able to come across words you are not yet familiar of, which makes you turn to the dictionary. A book is also a great way of learning about a place, people and culture without having to leave the confines of your home.

2. It Improves Analytical Thinking

Through reading, you are not just improving your knowledge, you will also be able to more quickly spot patterns. This in turn boosts your analytical skills.

3. It Reduces Stress

Losing yourself in a book is good for you. Other than sharing knowledge on how to destress yourself, the act of reading the book itself alleviates stress, especially when you are reading humorous fiction for adults and kids. As they say, laughter is the best medicine. According to psychologists, the distraction caused by reading the book eases tension in the muscles as well as the heart. When reading a book, you get to be caught up with the characters and events unfolding in the book.

4. It Helps You Learn Focus

By having to take note of details of a person, place or event, for example, you get to be more attentive, you get to learn to focus. This is especially true when reading a mystery novel wherein there are clues scattered just about anywhere within the pages.

5. It Improves Your Memory

It’s not just your body that needs exercise, your brain does as well. Strengthen your memory through reading, it keeps your brain healthier and more active. It would slow down the inevitable cognitive decay and you will be able to preserve memory and thinking skills, according to The Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

6. It Increases Emotional Intelligence

Reading a book gives your social skills a boost. You get to read about the characters’ thoughts and emotions, among others, which helps you gain more understanding on people’s feelings and behaviours, allowing you to be able to empathise with them. By being able to put yourself into other people’s shoes, you are able to connect with the people more successfully.

7. It Helps You Become More Adept In Social Situations

As mentioned above, you become better in socialising. You get to understand others’ mental states, and would therefore know how to approach them in a manner they find amiable. You will know how to get the reaction you want from them and know the social pitfalls to avoid, making you a master in dealing with complex social relationships.

These are just some of the reasons people should not stop reading books. No matter what age we are now, like friends, a book will always be a good thing to have.

Read books. Make it a habit. Your brain will thank you.