
The Importance Of Engagement Rings & Why Men Don’t Usually Wear Them

Engagement rings have been around for thousands of years; a symbol of a romantic union, the 3rd finger left hand ring shows everyone that the lady has a beau. It is a tradition to garnish the engagement ring with diamonds, which began in the 1940s, when diamond mogul De Beers started their very successful marketing campaign, ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend’. The single diamond solitaire has been the firm favourite for many generations and if you are one of those who wonder why men don’t usually wear an engagement ring, here’s an insight.

Origins Of The Engagement Ring

In simple terms, an engagement ring was used to announce to other males that the lady already has a suitor and when you consider how life was in those days, it makes a lot of sense to avoid conflict. Every culture would have had this issue; indeed, there were fatalities, with duels over a woman and the 3rd finger of the left hand was designated to demonstrate the wearer is in a relationship.

A Symbol Of Intention

The engagement ring demonstrates the man’s intentions to wed and the proposal would typically be made by the man going down on one knee to present his partner with a ring of promise. If you are planning to pop the question, choose a diamond engagement rings Brisbane or your city’s top jeweller who can handcraft and design the ultimate diamond engagement ring for you. If ever there was an occasion that warrants bespoke solutions, this is it; there isn’t a woman alive that wouldn’t love a bespoke diamond ring, plus the custom jeweller can work to your budget.

Manual Work

Another reason that men are not usually wearing engagement rings is they work in a manual capacity and wearing jewellery is impractical. Of course, we are living in a time of change and there are a few men who wear a gold band to signify their engagement; the custom jeweller can create a pair of engagement rings, which will match the wedding bands that come at a later date.

Hand-Made Engagement Rings

Traditions evolve over time and most girls prefer designing their engagement ring to being surprised with a diamond ring that may not be her ideal design. More and more couples are turning to bespoke solutions, which are no more costly than acquiring a ring from the jewellery store. She might have a passion for sapphires or emeralds and you can both sit down with the jewellery maker and design the perfect ring. If she doesn’t have a concept in mind, the custom jeweller has many fine images of previous projects and with a budget in mind, the jeweller creates a 3D design for the client.

Talk to your fiancee to be about having the engagement ring made by a skilled jeweller and she can choose every aspect of the ring to create a truly one-off symbol of your undying love for each other.