
Property Damage That Can Be Caused By Water Leakage

While water is essential for life, it can and does cause considerable damage to buildings, which means the homeowner should always be vigilant when it comes to leaking water. Here are just a few of the damages that you might have to deal with that are caused by leaking water pipes.

Rotting Rafters Or Joists

A couple of missing roof tiles is all it takes to allow water to enter the internal roofing structure and, in turn, this can lead to rotting timbers. This is one of the reasons to have your roof inspected on a regular basis, as a missing tile could go unnoticed, as it might be in a corner that is not visible from the ground elevation. This would be a very costly repair and the longer you leave it, the higher the bill. It might only be apparent after a heavy bout of rain and that is the best time to inspect your roof for anything suspicious.

Plaster Coming Off The Walls

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

In the event there is a leak that seeps into a wall, this will result in damp plaster and that will bubble and discolour and the earlier you address this problem, the least amount of damage there will be. You can let leak detection specialists in Hampshire or in locations near you if you live elsewhere to find the leak and make the required repairs.

Damaged Upstairs Flooring

In the event an upstairs bathroom pipe were to leak, this would expand over time and with water seeping in constantly, both upstairs flooring and ground floor ceilings would suffer damage. Some small water leaks go unnoticed and of you think you have a leak in one of your water pipes, simply search online for a local water leak detection service and they can quickly source any leak.

Timber Decay

Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Any interior timber can be attacked by damp that is the result of a leaking water pipe and if such damage is not visible, it will gradually move across any timber that it finds. It makes sense to regularly inspect the entire house, looking for any signs of damp and should you find something, take immediate steps to carry out a repair. You can find more information on damage caused by leaking pipes online.

Warping Floor Boards

If you have solid timber flooring in your home, and dampness can cause the timber planks to warp and bend, something that would be very noticeable. You would have to call in a hardwood flooring specialist who would remove affected timbers and replace them. Of course, you would first have to find the leak and repair it before replacing the flooring and in the UK, there are affordable water leakage sourcing services.

Your home is always at risk of damage from leaking water pipes, as every building has a complex network of water pipes that are pressurised and when a leak springs, the water will escape quickly, causing damage as it does. Leak specialists are also trained and equipped to handle fire & flood restoration Portsmouth and other locations around the world need, and they can respond to emergencies 24/7.

Don’t take any chances with water leaks. You should have your home inspected by a local plumber or the nearest leak detection specialist you can find.