
Morning Ritual of a Morning Person: 10 Minutes Spent

You know those people who wake up fresh and ready from a great night’s sleep. They don’t look tired, even when they’ve pulled an all-nighter. It makes you wonder why are they so energetic? Why do they never seem to run out of energy despite having a busy schedule? That’s because they’ve created a morning ritual and stick to it.


woman in black tank top sitting on brown wooden dock during daytime

Image source: Unsplash

For the morning person, meditation is about more than just the physical act of sitting still. It’s about preparing your mind for the day, setting your intention on what you want from it—and then letting go of everything else.

The best way to meditate is to sit in one position for a few minutes, allowing your body and mind to get used to having nothing else to do but focus on yourself. If you’re having trouble focusing on nothingness, try counting backward from 100 by sevens—or reciting the alphabet backwards (it’s not as easy as it sounds).

The key is to let go of distractions like thoughts, feelings or emotions and focus only on being present in the moment.

Drink A Glass Of Water

I know it sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the easiest ways to get your body ready for the day. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated from being asleep all night, so drinking a glass of water is the first thing that can help you feel more awake and alert.

If you don’t have time for a full glass of water, take two sips and then keep going with your morning routine. You can also try other hydrating beverages like juice or lemonade—anything that has plenty of fluids in it!

Make Your Bed

It’s the first thing you do when you get up, and it’s the last thing you see before you go to sleep. It sets the tone for your day. When you make your bed, you’re saying “I’m ready.” You’re taking control of your space and making it feel like a place where things happen and good things can happen—not just a place where you sleep until noon.

You might not believe that this small ritual can have such a big effect on your day, but try it for yourself and see!

Plan Out Your Day The Night Before

One of the best morning rituals for someone who is a morning person is to plan out their day the night before. They can do this by writing down everything that they need to do on a piece of paper, or they can use their phone to create reminders for themselves.

This will help them feel prepared for the day and make sure that they get everything done in a timely manner.

Stretch Or Exercise

It’s something that most of us have to force ourselves to do, but a lot of people who are morning people take it as a given. The reason? They wake up feeling energized and ready to go. It’s like their bodies are just physically better at waking up in the morning than ours are!

But if you want to be as awesome as they are—and reap the benefits that come with it—there’s one thing you can do: stretch or exercise when you wake up. The great news is that this doesn’t even have to be anything intense!

A morning routine is something that all successful people have, and it turns out, the formula is pretty simple. Spend 10 minutes to do some highly specific things in a certain order and boom! A productive day. Who knew?