
How To Proceed If You Think Your Legal Rights Have Been Violated

This article focuses on a person’s legal rights and what to do in the event those rights are violated.

Human rights are the result of centuries of conflict, which began in the Middle Ages, when the common citizen had no rights whatsoever and the Industrial Revolution saw a lot of exploitation, so the workers united and formed unions and a person’s basic human rights begin to gather strength. The law also changed to keep pace with modern society and today, we all have legal rights and should you ever feel like your legal rights have been violated, you have options.

Seek Legal Advice

When in Thailand, the first thing to do is contact one of the dispute resolution law firms Bangkok offers and explain your situation; the legal professional would be happy to give you a free consultation, during which he or she would advise you on whether or not you should file a lawsuit. In some cases, there is insufficient evidence to take legal action and a good litigation lawyer would advise the client not to pursue the matter, unless additional evidence can be found.

No Win – No Fee

Some lawyers will offer their services on a ‘no win-no fee’ basis, which means you won’t end up losing and having a huge legal bill to pay. If a litigation lawyer is prepared to represent you on this basis, it means you have a very strong case and with due diligence, you should see a favourable outcome. It might be a personal debt that you can’t recover, or a business deal that went wrong; if you feel that your rights have been violated, you should contact an established litigation lawyer.

Gathering Data

Once the lawyer accepts the case, he or she will wish to gather up evidence, which could come in the form of documentation, images, or even CCTV. Witness statements can be presented in a litigation court and the lawsuit is filed and the other party is notified by the authorities. An experienced litigation lawyer knows the system and can accurately predict outcomes based on evidence and with their help, you should see the right outcome.

Careful Consideration

Prior to filing a lawsuit, you should carefully consider what you are about to do; are you emotionally involved? Is this amount of money worth trying to recover? Answers to these and other questions will help you come to the right decision. Filing a lawsuit means you have to prepare for a legal battle in a litigation court, where a judge will decide what course of action to take. Your lawyer’s performance largely determines the outcome, so you don’t want a lawyer on their first rodeo!

Out Of Court Settlements

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In the event a person files a lawsuit, this is often enough to get the other party to ask for a settlement. They would also have consulted a lawyer and if you have a strong case, the lawyer would advise them to settle out of court and an offer would be made to sit down and discuss a settlement until both parties are happy. There is no need to bother the court if both parties reach a settlement.