
How To Make Your Home Smell Naturally Good

We all have to smell bad stuff when we’re outside, but it isn’t ideal if the smell has to be at home too. We are there for the most time and it isn’t ideal for our health and sanity to be smelling bad odours all the time. But we can’t help it if the either has this dusty smell or just stinks. We try to spray some fresh air freshener and it would keep the smell at bay, but they don’t really last long, do they?

So what do we do?

Well, this is a commitment. It isn’t just a one trick that ends all bad smells. You are supposed to be committed to making sure the entire house is clean so the good smells stay. That’s how you make the house smell good the natural way.

Essential Oil Diffusers

These things will dispel wonderful scents through mist in the air. If you leave them alone for a few hours, it’s going to make the entire room smell nice. The best part is that they are easy to use and you can choose whatever scent you wish.

Scented Cleaning Vinegar

It isn’t enough to just cover the bad smells. You need to clean up too and when you do, use a scented cleaning vinegar so not only do you get rid of the smell, you keep them AWAY.

Fabric Spray

This is for when you don’t have a humidifier. All you need to do is mix your favourite essential oil, a bit of baking soda and water into a small spray bottle. Then you spray that into your fabric after you shake the bottle.

Deodorizing Carpet Powder

Most of the time the smell would come from the carpet. So spray some deodorizing powder on it, wait a few minutes then vacuum it. It’s going to help pick up the dirt and hair that can’t be cleaned up most times.

Wax Melts

This is great if you have a lamp for these wax melts. Once melted, they will give out wonderful scents. You can choose what scent you want too. So while your lamp is giving light, it will also provide a good scent.

Air Purifying Plants

These are probably the most natural choice there is. We all already know that plants suck in carbon dioxide and then give out oxygen, but did you know they also take it the bad smells? And then replace it for fresh air? Now that’s a great choice. And if you choose a plant that is also floral (therefore giving you a floral scent to boot) then the better.

Stovetop Potpourri

To freshen the air, get a saucepan and put water, some of your favourite herbs and some sliced lemon. Then simmer this on low heat. The fresh air will help with the room’s smell.