
Common Myths About Timber Flooring Debunked

When builders look into the market on what are the best materials for construction, they will scan a lot of information in order to reach the best decision. On the other hand, there are several builders and homeowners out there that won’t make informed decisions when it comes to flooring and other crucial elements around their home.

When it comes to the internet, there can be a lot of false articles and information published, so it’s good to know how to separate fact from fiction when it comes down to what we trust.

Are you looking to get timber flooring for your home? Maybe you’re simply looking to refloor only certain areas of your home but are wondering if timber is the best choice? Well, there are several timber and flooring suppliers in Melbourne that will testify to the wonders of timber and how well they hold up against other materials such as stone and steel.

Debunking Popular Timber Myths

Timber is delicate.

Some people have come to think that it’s a fragile material that cannot be used for flooring let alone other elements of construction. When it comes to materials such as stone, many think that timber doesn’t come close. However, if we look at the facts, we will see that timber is a highly versatile material that comes in all shapes, forms and species. It is very strong naturally and can be treated in ways to enhance its strength by doing methods such as ‘drying’.

It has poor sound insulation.

This is another poor misconception that hasn’t been adequately tested and backed up. In fact, timber is fairly noise resistant, but it simply needs a bit of a boost. Adding plasterboard panels for example, is a great way to get the natural beauty of timber and the soundproofing insulation you desire. It’s a win-win!

Timber isn’t durable enough.

Many hold the belief that it just isn’t strong enough to weather outdoor conditions and therefore shouldn’t be used in the garden. However, it is already an insulator on its own but keeping things cooler in hotter months and storing heat in the colder times of year. When it comes to harsh winds and rain, timber is fairly flexible; however, if it’s left exposed, it will result in cracks coming through. However, the right amount of drying will result in stronger and much more stable timber and provide brilliant results. This means it has the flexibility to be used both indoors and outdoors.

As you can see, there are plenty of myths just waiting to be debunked when it comes to timber. It’s often gotten a tough rep which is why we are here to set the record straight.