
Protect Your Intellectual Property In Thailand With These Basic Steps

This article offers the reader information on how best to protect intellectual property in Thailand.

Intellectual property can be extremely valuable and people with great ideas need to take steps to protect their IP rights. Thailand, much like other nations, has IP laws in place that protect the creator from other people copying their intellectual products.

Below are ways you can protect your intellectual property in Thailand.

Keep Data Strictly Confidential

The more secure your IP data is, the less risk there is of someone stealing it. Engage the best cyber-security professionals to protect your cloud network; don’t take any chances, and the consequences can be serious. If you think that an employee has breached their NDA, approach a cyber crime victim attorney and see what your options are.

Register Your Blueprints & Patent Designs

You can register your IP with the Thai government, which instantly prevents anyone from copying you. In the event you find someone who is using your IP, seek out an English-speaking IP lawyer as soon as you can.

Thai IP Laws

Thai IP laws cover trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyright, optical disk production and geographical restrictions (franchises). Talk to an experienced English-speaking attorney in Koh Samui if you wish to register your IP.

Identify Your IP Category

Whether a trademark, patent, copyright or trade secrets, a business lawyer can help you find the right category and facilitate the registration, which must follow a protocol. Then you are legally protected and can initiate legal action in the event of a breach.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

It might be that some of your employees have to be read into your trade secrets; in such cases, have a lawyer draw up an NDA that protects your confidential data. Industries, where NDAs are commonly used, include pharmaceuticals, aerospace, the auto sector, IT and medical devices.  When looking to use an NDA, you need a business lawyer with hands-on experience in drafting NDAs for their clients.

Counterfeit & Pirated Goods

Top brands are targets for illegal businesses that replicate luxury products; on occasion, the IP rights holder will sue an entity that blatantly copies their products. Thailand has made huge strides in combatting pirated goods, yet the problem still persists, with factories in nearby countries and products being smuggled into Thailand to be sold in markets. Governments like the US and UK put a lot of pressure on Thai authorities to put a stop to the blatant copying of luxury goods and to some degree, this worked. Major manufacturers got together and petitioned their governments to take action, which eventually led to results.

Define Your Strategies

You should have defensive strategies whereby you register your IP and take legal action when necessary. Offensive strategies include taking steps to get ahead of rivals and gaining a big business advantage. The goal of registering your IP is to prevent other companies from using the asset and you should consult with a legal team if you suspect someone is using your IP.

The Importance Of Contractual Protection

It should be your goal to acquire contractual protection that can be used in a court of law; the last thing you want is a grey area that can be exploited. Seek the advice of a contracts lawyer who can draft the contracts you need.

If you have intellectual property in Thailand, we recommend that you contact an IP lawyer who can speak English and take steps to protect your IP asset. With advice from a leading IP lawyer, you can effectively protect your intellectual property.