
What Do Ladies Always Keep In Their Purses?

Guns. Just kidding. Or am I? Girls need to protect themselves too, you know? Or when they decide they want to rob a bank, that’s a possibility too.

Okay, for real, whatever extra things you want to carry around in your bag, it’s all up to you as long as you aren’t breaking the law or hurting other people, alright? Those are for your extra items that you want to keep in your bag. As for the actual necessities, here is the list for them so you are well-prepared when you go out. They are based on collegefashion and businessinsider.

Safety Pins

Safety Pins, Pins, Needle, Sewing, Repair, Tailoring

A definite life-saver for those who pop a button or when a shirt rips. Now that I think about it, if I carry these around, they could also be counted as weapons, right? I’m joking. Slightly.

However they ARE handy, especially since I’m a bit clumsy myself and have been having problems about my clothes ever ripping a seam or something. I used to just used my hoodie (which I bring all the time) to hide it though.


Bandages, Band Aid, Wound Care, Medical

We love wearing really nice shoes, don’t we?  However at times, these wonderful shoes tend to betray us and hurt our feet when we walk with them around. So for those traitorous shoes, we have to have something that alleviates the pain and shields our skin from the shoes themselves. Band-Aids help.


Toilet Paper, Toilet, Paper, Bathroom, Hygiene, Roll

Whether to cover up a dirty sneeze or wipe something away that was rude enough to touch your clean skin(it be like that sometimes), tissues are there for you, girl. That or some wet wipes that you might prefer. Personally, I like wipes better since they do better in cleaning.

Hand Sanitizer

Image result for hand sanitizer

They moisturize and they clean your hands after some questionable substance had touched your hands on your way to work. That happens sometimes however thankfully we have this in hand all the time, right? I just use rubbing alcohol to be honest, since I don’t care for the overbearing scents these sanitizers sometimes have. Maybe I should go look for one that just has the plain scent of rubbing alcohol.

Battery Case and a Portable Cellphone Charger

I bring both just in case. My phone is basically my life(my work is in there, my contacts that I need to get a hold of all the time and it has my fanfictions that I still need to read not to mention all the music and YouTube videos I still need to catch up on). I need it fully charged and NOT dying on me while I’m away from home.


Woman, Sitting, Counter, Phone, Smartphone, Female

Duh, this is what everyone has in their purse or pocket. Truth be told though, I prefer having this one in my pants so I can just easily grab it out of my pockets at a second’s notice. However, ladies’ pants don’t really have PROPER pockets (clothing people, why) so I tend to just put it in my bag or purse. It’s really sad that a girl gets super happy and excited whenever she finds another girl boasting about her functional pockets, ESPECIALLY if she meant pockets on her skirt. If we have better pockets, I doubt I would even have the need to carry a purse all the time. Carrying something around is so annoying.