
Reasons Why It Is Important For Your HR Team To Have Clear Objectives

With the state of current world affairs, HR teams all over the world are having to re-think their business strategies and, how best to focus their efforts in order to be as productive as possible. One would expect that, because of the number and frequency of things like restrictions and lock downs that businesses would be shedding their skin rather than adding to it but, oddly enough they are in quite an opposite position.

Why The Increase In HR Resources?

In a nutshell, because new systems have to be implemented to enable people to work from home, sadly there will have been some people who decided that now was the right time to leave the company or, redundancies had to take place to find financial efficiencies in order to keep a business going. There is actually more work to do now than there was before which has seen some companies employ a new member of staff to help out.

HR Development

The businesses that are still going strong and have a good grasp of the current situation were fortunate indeed to have had the foresight and ability to be able to plan ahead, some even hired services like HR outsourcing company Avensure in the event that people weren’t able to come into the office. For those that didn’t, you might be finding things hard at the moment but, it’s not too late to make a difference. Drawing from the experience of those that went before you, here are some key areas of focus:

Increase In Mental Health Issues

Generally speaking, as a whole, our mental health has been badly affected by COVID-19, according to statistics. Around 40 percent of people had mental health or drug addiction issues as a result of the epidemic, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As such, companies are investing in mental health and well-being programs in order to help their employees or people they are having to, ‘let go’.

Overall, Increased Importance

Recruitment, enrolment, training, and termination are all part of a business’s HR’s responsibilities and, because there are more of these functions taking place nowadays, a whopping 60% of firms have employed at least one new employee since restrictions were put in place, the impact for most businesses has been detrimental to say the least.

Whilst there are more HR representatives being hired, there does appear to be an increase of people losing their jobs so it’s a double-edged sword really.

As a result of a reduced customer base and denial for their products and services, several businesses (such as hospitality and retail) had to lay off existing employees and freeze their recruitment plans for the time being; some have had to cease trading completely.

Increased Need For Data To Asses Trends In The Business’s Behaviour And Supply Employees With Communication Portals

The current epidemic has forced more businesses and people to work remotely, and as a result, more organisations are investing in solutions to help them measure the productivity and engagement of both customers and employees, (particularly for frontline employees).

Above are some key areas you have to focus to ensure productivity and continuity of business.